Kids play with the bubbles overflowing from the fountain at Polson Park Monday, May 18. (Jennifer Smith - Morning Star)

Kids play with the bubbles overflowing from the fountain at Polson Park Monday, May 18. (Jennifer Smith - Morning Star)

WATCH: Vernon pup loves foamy fountain

City of Vernon says Polson Park landmark prone to soap prank

  • May. 19, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Polson Park’s fountain was bubbling over like a squeaky clean cauldron of fun May 18 and residents took notice.

Some thought this was good clean fun, while others thought it was unnecessary vandalism that could cost the taxpayer.

Meanwhile, one Vernonite’s pooch thought it was the best idea ever.

Vernon Morning Star readers took to social media to share their thoughts on the sudsy situation and share the bubbly photos with friends more than 140 times.

“That right there is some quality harmless entertainment,” Geoff Forster wrote. “It’s only soap and will dissipate. Neatest thing in the world to a kid.”

READ MORE: WATCH: Vernon fountain vandalized with dish soap

But another commenter said it could cost thousands of dollars to change filters and change out the water.

Others said this was just what they needed to see to put a smile on their face during the unprecedented and stressful times brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“That’s one way to ensure the virus isn’t in there,” one commenter said.

The City of Vernon’s communications manager Christy Poirier said the fountain is prone to this sort of prank “from time to time.”

“Depending on the situation, staff can either add a de-foaming solution to the water or drain the fountain to remove the foam,” she said.

But draining the fountain is not unusual.

“As part of a routine maintenance program, the fountain is drained on a regular cycle to mitigate the creation of algae and other organisms,” Poirier said.

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Vernon Morning Star