Water bottling plant proposed for Harrison Mills

Public hearing this Wednesday for rezoning to allow bottling plant

An application has been made to rezone an area in Harrison Mills to build a water bottling plant.

The company making the application is called Christopher’s Spring Water Inc., and the public hearing is being held this Wednesday in Harrison Mills.

The land is currently zoned Institutional but would have to be rezoned to Resource Industrial to allow for the bottling plant to be built and operate.

The public hearing will be conducted on Wednesday, August 13 at 7 p.m. at the Harrison Mills Community Hall, 1995 School Road.

At this public hearing, those who believes their interest is affected by the proposed bylaws will be afforded an opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions.

Written submission may also be submitted to Fraser Valley Regional District in advance of the hearing but must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. August 13. Written submissions will be entered into the public hearing record.

The draft bylaw and a staff report regarding the proposed project are available on the Fraser Valley Regional District website.

The 48-page staff report includes a brief summary of the proposal.

“The applicant wishes to construct and operate a water bottling plant utilizing on-site spring water from an existing water license on a privately owned parcel accessed off of Chehalis Forest Service Road, approximately 1.5 kilometres from the Lougheed Highway. Although resource extraction is a permitted use under the existing zone, the bottling plant itself would require a zoning amendment for the resource industrial aspects of the proposed development. A development permit for geological hazards is required, and the applicant has provided a geological hazard assessment to support the rezoning application, at the request of staff.”

Agassiz Observer