Water conversation has to include Crofton Mill

Duncan – Re: “Water: if we really care about the future there’s really no choice” David Slade of Drillwell Enterprises makes some great points in his article about the water usage and its future in the Cowichan Valley.

No one can argue that water conservation isn’t a good thing given low summer rains and low winter snows but as his per capita usage figures include all sources of usage both private and commercial, when it’s time for conservation both private citizens and businesses must participate. It can’t always be the little guy tasked with making the sacrifices.

And as a person in the water industry and a member of the Cowichan Watershed Board I can’t believe he doesn’t know or fails to mention where a massive amount of the water is going, when I think most everyone knows it going to the great slurping beast called the Crofton Mill. It sucks 36,000,000 gallons of water per DAY from the Cowichan River!

That’s enough to fill 65 Olympic size swimming pools each and every day of the year!

It doesn’t stop like we have to on non-watering days.

Surely if he wants to save water for his grandchildren that would be a great place to start.

Barry Dixon


Cowichan Valley Citizen