Water review encouraged

The Citizens for Changes to the Master Water Plan wants an independent review of the Greater Vernon program

Pressure is being applied on local politicians to allow for a third-party look at Greater Vernon’s water system.

The Citizens for Changes to the Master Water Plan wants an independent review of the plan initiated by the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee.

“A petition is now circulating throughout the region that already has gained the support of close to 1,000 signatories asking for an independent review of the master water plan,” said Terry Mooney, CCMWP chairperson, in a release.

Mooney says such a review would help shape and implement changes.

“There is also support at the provincial level by way of a grant to assist in the funding of an an unbiased, technically knowledgeable, and publicly responsive individual who can work with all of the stakeholders to make the required changes,” he said.

GVAC officials insist independent consideration of the plan is possible.

“Staff have presented the steps we will take and it doesn’t preclude a decision on a review,” said Juliette Cunningham, chairperson.

“We believe we have a lot of time to make thoughtful decisions. We are willing to look at an independent review if that’s the best thing to do.”

GVAC recently voted to form a public committee to review information and provide feedback on the master water plan. The committee could consist of various stakeholders, such as large water users, and possibly individual residents.

“We are heartened by the change in direction from our mayors and our elected representatives as they are now committed to moving to reconstruct our flawed and outdated master water plan,” said Mooney.

“We are standing ready to participate and to help steer this discussion in the direction needed to secure a safe,secure and cost effective water supply for all of us now and for our children and our grandchildren.”


Vernon Morning Star