Water use low during high temperatures

Though temperatures have recently been high, Abbotsford has not gotten close to maximum water consumption levels

The Abbotsford/Mission water system at Norrish Creek has reported consumption at 84.5 million litres per day (MLD) between July 1 and 14. The system can handle a two-day maximum of 134 MLD per day.

The Abbotsford/Mission water system at Norrish Creek has reported consumption at 84.5 million litres per day (MLD) between July 1 and 14. The system can handle a two-day maximum of 134 MLD per day.

Though temperatures have recently been high, Abbotsford has not gotten close to maximum water consumption levels.

Abbotsford and Mission share a water system, capable of supporting a total capacity of 123 million litres per day (MLD) for an indefinite period of time. A maximum of 134 MLD can be supplied for up to two days, but uses up reserves in both cities.

A maximum of 155 MLD can be supplied for one peak day.

Despite temperatures climbing higher than 30 C, the average water consumption for the water system between July 1 to July 14 was 84.5 MLD.

The peak day was July 14, with 98.2 MLD used in the two communities.

Last year’s peak in the same period was 91 MLD and the year before had a peak of 84 MLD.

The city hit a critically high level of consumption in 2007 – at a peak of 139 MLD.

Though the numbers remain low for early July, the typical time for peak water usage is in August and September.

For July and August, the city has sprinkling restrictions and permits lawn sprinkling from 6 to 8 a.m. twice per week. Even numbered homes can water their lawns on Wednesdays and Saturdays and odd numbered homes on Thursday and Sunday.

Abbotsford News