Waterfront north study moves forward

Alberni's long-awaited terms of reference for the $75,000 Waterfront North Redevelopment North study have been released.

The long-awaited terms of reference for the Waterfront North Redevelopment North study have been released.

The $75,000 study is being carried in a four-way partnership between the Tseshaht and Hupacasath First Nations, the Port Alberni Port Authority and City of Port Alberni, each of whom has contributed $25,000 to the effort, city planner Scott Smith said.

The aim of the study is to position the community as an alternative destination to Parksville-Qualicum or Tofino.

The study area shall include a portion of Catalyst lands, continuing north along the waterfront through Victoria Quay, North Port Commercial Area, Clutesi Haven Marina and River Road towards and inclusive of the Tseshaht First Nation administration facility and Paper Mill Dam.

The study area will include the water’s edge on the west with an eastern boundary that follows the existing railway north towards Stirling Field.

The lower Johnston Road corridor, Catalyst lands, Victoria Quay, Clutesi Haven Marina, Stirling Field, River Road and Tseshaht fee simple lands are included in the study as well.

The scope of work will vary, and varying detail will be required.

Redevelopment for future best use of lands and leveraging existing and identifying new asset opportunities are orders of the day.

The scope of work involves a review and update of a portion of the Shoreline Master Plan Review, which was developed in 2000.

This includes public access to the waterfront, increasing the commercial attractiveness of potential redevelopment, and developing a concept  for projects that would compel travellers to stop, get out of their vehicles and stay in Port Alberni.

The consultant will be required to establish a project timeline for a draft report, as well as conduct start-up meetings, stakeholder consultations, and public workshops.


Alberni Valley News