Weather creates havoc on roads and highways

Police Briefs, Grand Forks RCMP Detachment, as in Jan. 6 Grand Forks Gazette.

A Dodge pick-up truck collided with a Honda Civic on Monday morning at around 8:30 a.m. near the bridge on the corner of Granby and Central (Highway 3). The driver of the Dodge pulled out onto the highway from Granby and hit the Civic head on. Cpl. Richard Lanz said there were minor injuries and that the driver of the Dodge, a 64-year-old Grand Forks man, was issued a ticket for failing to yield after a stop.

A Dodge pick-up truck collided with a Honda Civic on Monday morning at around 8:30 a.m. near the bridge on the corner of Granby and Central (Highway 3). The driver of the Dodge pulled out onto the highway from Granby and hit the Civic head on. Cpl. Richard Lanz said there were minor injuries and that the driver of the Dodge, a 64-year-old Grand Forks man, was issued a ticket for failing to yield after a stop.

Snow related motor vehicle accidents

Grand Forks RCMP responded to 11 collisions involving motor vehicles due to road conditions over the past two weeks. Most of those occured on Highway 3.

“The majority of those involved were people driving too fast for road conditions and sliding off the road into the ditch or hitting other vehicles,” said Cpl. Philip Crack.

Impaired drivers stopped

On Dec. 22, police stopped a driver on Granby Road as a result of a complaint.

“Checks indicated he was impaired,” said Crack. “He blew a fail on an ASD and was issued a 90-day driving prohibition under the immediate roadside prohibition legislation.”

On Dec. 28, a 23-year-old female was stopped after avoiding a police stop. “A check showed she was impaired and she was issued a 90-day driving prohibition,” said Crack. “She was a class 7 N driver and so she was issued a ticket for driving contrary to restrictions.”

Man bear-sprayed

On Dec. 29, police responded to a 9-1-1 call from a Grand Forks business about a man who was acting erratically. “It was determined that he was bear-sprayed,” said Crack. “The male is known to police and was not cooperative with the investigation. He didn’t tell us what happened.”

New Year’s quiet

Crack said that New Year’s Eve was pretty quite in the Grand Forks area with only six files received and no major incidents.

In all there were 91 files in the past two weeks including three false alarms.

Grand Forks Gazette