Weather hampers chopper crash investigation

TRANSPORTATION Safety Board investigators will resume today looking into the reasons for a July 31 helicopter crash on Nelson Glacier near Stewart which killed three people.

  • Aug. 2, 2011 11:00 a.m.

TRANSPORTATION Safety Board investigators will resume today looking into the reasons for a July 31 helicopter crash on Nelson Glacier near Stewart which killed three people.

High winds had been hampering investigation efforts.

The accident involving a Bell 407 helicopter owned by Vancouver Island Helicopters took place late in the afternoon of July 31. Killed were the pilot and two passengers.

Identities have yet to be released. None of the victims came from northwestern BC.

The two passengers were on a geological survey.

VIH Helicopters Ltd has its head office in North Saanich, B.C. and satellite bases throughout Western Canada.

“VIH expresses our sincere condolences to the families and friends of the accident victims, and ask that their grief and privacy be respected at this time,” the company said in a release posted to its website.

“The VIH family would like to take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt sympathies to those directly impacted by this tragedy. We continue to help where possible, family members of the deceased have been contacted and are being assisted with counseling and support,” the release continued.



Terrace Standard