City Council is proposing a bylaw that would see single use plastic bags banned in Revelstoke. (File photo)

WEB POLL: Do you think the city should ban single-use plastics?

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  • Sep. 28, 2021 12:00 a.m.

City council has unanimously agreed on a bylaw that would ban single-use plastic bags from retailers in Revelstoke.

The goal of the bylaw is to ban all single-use plastics in the community.

According to city council, most Revelstoke establishments are already transitioning to plastic-less service.

The only single-use plastic the bylaw will not include in the ban is garbage bags.

The city council will be working with the community to define what is and is not a single-use plastic, and if the community wants to amend the bylaw because they think something should not be banned, the council will take that into consideration.

What do you think of the bylaw proposal?

Do you think the city should ban plastic bags?

READ MORE: Revelstoke inches closer to banning single-use plastic bags

READ MORE: Plastic resin emerges as tiniest example of enduring COVID-19 supply chain crunch

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