Week on the beat: Police respond to 152 calls

Cranbrook RCMP responded to 152 calls for service over the week of Monday, April 6 to Sunday, April 12.

Cranbrook RCMP responded to 152 calls for service over the week of Monday, April 6 to Sunday, April 12. The police report comes courtesy of Staff Sgt. Dave Dubnyk.

April 6

9:45 a.m. An assault was reported outside a local grocery store.

10:15 a.m. A single vehicle accident occurred north of Cranbrook. There were no injuries reported.

11:25 a.m. A landlord and tenant had a dispute.

1:24 p.m. Complainant called about a mischief to vehicle, as their passenger tire was slashed overnight.

3:32 p.m. Harassment between two individuals was reported.

5:34 p.m. Threats were reported between an owner and a customer at a local business.

6:09 p.m. Police investigated a domestic dispute call.

9:31 p.m. A hit-and-run was reported. The incident occurred sometime in the past 24 hours near the mud bogs at Koocanusa.

April 7

4:35 a.m. Report of theft from vehicle on the 1400 block of 5th Street North. The caller reported seeing a individual dressed in a balaclava and dark jacket carrying a garbage bag. Police Dog Services attended and used a dog to try to track the individual, however the person had fled the scene and the track was lost. The area was swept for fingerprints.

5:51 a.m. A caller reported that their vehicle had likely just been broken into. The police service dog was again on the chase but lost the track. The area was again examined for fingerprints.

8:43 a.m. Police followed up on an abandoned 911 call, which was a false call.

9:47 a.m. Vehicle broken into on the 600 block of 17th Street North. A stereo was stolen.

10:49 a.m. Police looked into report of a missing person. The person had reportedly left their residence the night prior and not returned. Police investigated and found that the person had been in the backcountry and got their vehicle stuck, but made it back eventually and was fine.

11:04 a.m. A theft from vehicle was reported.

11:26 a.m. A local business reported an attempted fraud, when an individual tried to use a credit card that didn’t belong to him. Police identified the individual through surveillance footage and the matter is under investigation. The investigation is also linked to recent thefts from vehicles.

11:37 a.m. The Ministry of Children and Development requested assistance in dealing with a child abuse matter.

11:55 a.m. A theft from vehicle was reported on the 500 block of Briar Avenue NW.

12:29 p.m. Police received a report of a possible suicidal person. Officers attended, spoke with the individual and found no issue.

12:58 p.m. A suspicious person was reported in the Wattsville Road area staking out yards.

1:08 p.m. A found wallet was turned in.

2:07 p.m. A vehicle struck a deer.

4:06 p.m. Possible fraud was reported. The complainant said they’d received a call from someone claiming to be a Microsoft employee calling for computer repairs.

4:07 p.m. Report of possible drug use on the 1000 block of 23rd Avenue North.

4:23 p.m. Vandalism to a parking meter was reported. The perpetrators were possibly attempting to steal change from the meter.

5:13 p.m. A caller reported seeing two vehicles driving erratically through the Western Financial Place parking lot. The vehicles were two cars — both with spoilers. One car was blue and one was white. Both were drive by males. The vehicles were driven at a high rate of speed and doing donuts, before speeding off down Victoria. The complainant noted they had taken a photograph.

7:59 p.m. An erratic driver was reported speeding and passing unsafely. The vehicle was a white Hyundai. The licence plate was obtained and police located the driver. However, the caller did not want charges pursued, so police just gave the driver a verbal warning.

8:55 p.m. A disturbance was reported in Baker Park. Police attended and spoke with the individuals. No further action was required.

April 9

2:15 a.m. An abandoned 911 call turned out to be a domestic dispute.

2:31 a.m. BC Ambulance requested assistance after getting a call that a male riding a bicycle was hit by a vehicle and may have been injured. Police located the vehicle that hit the cyclist, but could not locate the cyclist.

9:09 a.m. An individual stopped by the police station to report an assault that occurred the week before. The matter is now under investigation.

9:28 a.m. An intoxicated male was reported on Baker Street. Police located the individual who turned out not to be intoxicated, but had a mental health disorder. The person apologized and moved on.

9:54 a.m. Police received drug information.

2:38 p.m. An individual requested that police keep the peace while they pick up some belongings from a residence.

4:04 p.m. A caller reported seeing an individual riding what was possibly a stolen bicycle. When police arrived the individual on the bike was no longer around and police could not locate them. The bike is a green Norco mountain bike with different size tires, backwards forks and different colour rims. If you see a bike with that description, give police a call at 489-3471.

6:28 p.m. Police were requested to help keep the peace during a custody matter.

6:57 p.m. A female was intoxicated and causing trouble in the Baker Park area. Police located the woman and arrested her for breach of court ordered conditions not to consume alcohol. She was lodged until sober and has been charged criminally.

10:49 p.m. A tractor trailer was reported to be blocking traffic.

April 10

9:10 a.m. An ongoing noise problem was reported.

10:59 a.m. Harassment between ex-spouses was called in.

11:03 a.m. A caller reported that cattle were on the loose in the Ha Ha Creek area.

1:57 p.m. An intoxicated male was caught urinating on a local business. He was arrested and lodged in a cell until sober.

5:52 p.m. Residents reported that a neighbour was riding an unlicensed motorcycle around the block. Police attended and spoke to the rider, who had recently purchased the bike and was planning to put insurance on it soon. Police issued a verbal warning.

6:20 p.m. A phone scam was reported. The scammer said the person had won a free night at a fancy hotel and they just needed to provide some information.

7:12 p.m. Report of a fight in front of a local liquor store. Police attended the location and one of the combatants was still on the scene, but the other had left the area. Police spoke with the individual there, but the second person could not be located and no further action was taken.

7:42 p.m. A caller reported seeing a child standing in the rear cab of a pick-up truck, and worried that the child wasn’t secured. The licence plate was obtained and police spoke to the driver. The matter was forwarded to the Ministry of Children and Family Development for further followup.

8:10 p.m. A caller reported getting harassing phone calls. They are likely related to a family matter.

10:10 p.m. An officer on patrol pulled over a vehicle. The driver had been consuming alcohol and failed the roadside screening device so was issued with a 90-day Immediate Roadside Prohibition and 30 day vehicle impound.

10:15 p.m. A vehicle hit a deer. There were no injuries.

11:22 p.m. Neighbours reported a loud backyard bonfire party. Police spoke with the individuals, who were all co-operative and agreed to keep the noise down. There were no further issues reported.

April 11

4:11 a.m. A possibly impaired driver was reported, but police could not locate them. There were no further calls.

9:01 a.m. Report of vandalism. A rock was thrown through the window of a local business sometime overnight.

10:21 a.m. Another business reported having a rock thrown though their window in the same area as the last call.

12:04 p.m. A missing youth was reported. A short while later the caller said the youth had been located walking down the street by a family member.

2:34 p.m. Three young children were left in a vehicle outside a local grocery store. When police arrived at the parking lot, the vehicle was gone. The licence was obtained by the caller and police tracked down the vehicle and spoke to the owner, who explained that the children had been left in the care of the eldest, a 12 year old. Police determined that the child was capable of looking after them for that amount of time in this instance.

6:38 p.m. A dispute was reported between landlord and tenants.

9:43 p.m. An officer on patrol encountered an intoxicated female. The woman was arrested and lodged in a cell until sober.

10:01 p.m. A single vehicle accident was reported. There was one minor injury.

10:33 p.m. A caller reported hearing gunshots in the area near Gordon Terrace Elementary School. However the noise turned out to be fireworks.

April 12

12:04 a.m. A possibly impaired driver was reported outside of town. However when police located the vehicle it was parked in a safe location and though the person had consumed alcohol, they were staying the night in the location. No further action was taken.

1:22 a.m. A person was reported missing. The person was located, but intoxicated and cold, so was taken to hospital for further assessment.

7:36 a.m. Items were reported stolen from a local apartment. Those items included cash and identification. There are no suspects at this time.

5:27 p.m. A caller reported an attempted theft of gas from a vehicle parked at a business.

8:16 p.m. A possible impaired driver was called in. The vehicle a Nissan Maxima was swerving and having a difficult time staying in the proper lane. Police located the vehicle and determined the driver was not intoxicated, but had a learner’s licence and was charged with failure to display it on the car.


Cranbrook Daily Townsman

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