WEEKENDER: Crafty Corner – Pencil me in

Using a wide-mouth canning jar you can make a multi-purpose holder.

Using a wide-mouth canning jar, you can make a multi-purpose holder.

Using a wide-mouth canning jar, you can make a multi-purpose holder.

This is such a fun little project. You can do this multi-purpose holder without a sewing machine but they are faster with one.

I started out with a wide mouth, canning jar but you can use cans or the bottom of a plastic bottle as well.

I chose a piece of solid color fleece from an old blanket. If you decide to use a print, you will have to cut the pocket and sew it on so the print shows properly when finished.

My jar measured five-inches (12.7 cm) tall and 10 inches (25.4 cm) around. You will need double the height and then the depth of the pocket and ½-inch (1.27 cm) wider than the circumference. So I needed a piece of fabric 13 x 10 ½ (33.02 cm x 25.9 cm).

I thought it might be nice to have a zigzag design along the top of the pocket.

That done, I folded up the bottom three inches (7.62 cm) and pinned in place. I decided how wide I wanted my pockets and sewed vertical lines every two inches (5.08 cm), trim all the thread, flipped it over and sewed the side seam to create a tube, turned it inside out and it was ready to place on the jar.

I slip the pocket end over the mouth of the jar and stuffed the top of the tube into the jar smoothing it out, filled it with scissors, pens, ruler, etc. You’re done.

As you can see it is very easy to change this project to suit your needs.

Make pockets bigger, do some fancy stitching, use fabric that matches the room decor. Make one for your kitchen to hold all the mixing spoons using a tomato juice can or make matching pot holders and give as a gift.

I think the diversity of this project is infinite.

Happy stitching!

Grand Forks Gazette