Weemedical Society storefront in on Pioneer Avenue in Agassiz

Weemedical Society storefront in on Pioneer Avenue in Agassiz

Weemedical Dispensary Society storefront in Agassiz

Controversial medical marijuana store opens for business without license

Agassiz has a new resident. The Weemedical Dispensary Society has a storefront on Pioneer Avenue and they claim to provide, quality, legal medical marijuana products to patients in the communities of Agassiz and Harrison.

On their promotional sites, The Society states that they are in the business of easing the suffering of the chronically ill.

But, is the store legal?

If the store is selling paraphernalia only, it could be in compliance of legal business laws, but if it’s selling marijuana of any kind, it’s illegal according to Staff Sergeant Darren Rennie.

The RCMP enforces the laws of Canada and business in contravention of the CDSA Act will be subject to full investigation,” said Media Liaison Officer for the UFVRD Cpl. Mike Rail.

The store has seen controversy in neighbouring communities like Chilliwack which have forcibly shut locations of the Society down, leaving citizens concerned for the patients truly in need of medicinal marijuana.

Back in January at City Hall in Chilliwack, one of the Society’s dispensary’s that had been renamed Weemedical Wellness Center, had their license revoked for “non-compliance” and they were fined $44,000 for the breach.

The district issues business licenses only to businesses that comply with district laws, provincial and federal laws, so they’re not a legal operation right now, so we won’t give them a business license,” said Mayor John Van Laerhoven. “They are breaking various zoning bylaws but inspite of that they are not a legal operation in Canada and they can’t operate. I don’t know what the status is of it now, or how much communication there is back and fourth between the business owner, but the district is dealing with it.”

The Observer has yet to speak with the manager of the store as of press time.





Agassiz Observer