Weigh in on various issues at Chilliwack engagement meeting

Two more community engagement meetings are set for Chilliwack residents this spring to ask questions or offer feedback

Chilliwack city council is hosting two community engagement meetings this spring, on April 6 on the south side and May 4 on the north side.

Chilliwack city council is hosting two community engagement meetings this spring, on April 6 on the south side and May 4 on the north side.

Got a beef or a bouquet?

City council is hosting two more community engagement meetings this spring.

The idea is to share information and get feedback from residents on two separate Thursday nights.

The engagement sessions are set for April 6 at GW Graham for Sardis, Promontory and Garrison Crossing residents, and for May 4 at Chilliwack Senior Alumni Hall for Chilliwack and Fairfield Island residents.

More session dates are also coming in October for Ryder Lake, Yarrow, Rosedale/Eastern Hillsides and Greendale.

For more details call 604-793-2907. To submit questions before the event send to: engage@chilliwack.com


Chilliwack Progress