Annette Sharkey, with the Social Planning Council, discusses the new website, The initiative has been launched in conjunction with the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce.

Annette Sharkey, with the Social Planning Council, discusses the new website, The initiative has been launched in conjunction with the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce.

Welcome mat rolled out

New website — — has been launched as a resource for employers and new immigrants and their families

Vernon is opening itself up to the world.

A new website — — has been launched as a resource for employers and new immigrants and their families.

“This is only the first step to create a more welcoming community for new immigrants,” said Dan Rogers, Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce executive director.

An information package has also been created.

“We will distribute this information to our members and the broader business community,” said Rogers.

The website is based on a live, work and play theme and it features a promotional video that has been translated into a variety of languages including Punjabi, Chinese, Spanish and English.

Window decals can also be placed in windows so businesses can show they welcome new immigrants, and banners have been installed at strategic locations.

The goal of the program is to address a skills shortage in Vernon and to grow the economy,

“Immigrants bring a number of skills, investment and entrepreneurial spirit,” said Annette Sharkey, Social Planning Council executive director.

Sharkey also points out that immigrants add to the cultural diversity of the community, including new restaurants.

“We can reach out to the world and experience that right here in Vernon,” she said.

While some cultural barriers exist in the North Okanagan, Sharkey is confident the website and the promotional materials will creative a positive atmosphere.

“We don’t have large populations of certain cultures so it’s even more important for Vernon to be welcoming,” she said.

“Many investors come to Vernon as a tourist first and they fall in love with the community. Then they bring dollars and skills.”


Vernon Morning Star