This map shows the location of Barkerville Gold MIne Ltd.’s QR Mill and Bonanza Ledge Mine and proposed Cariboo Gold Project mine site near Wells, as well as the trucking route to take ore from the Cariboo Gold Project to the QR Mill. A worker travelling to the Mill tested positive for COVID-19. Photo courtesy of BGM

Wells mining company detects COVID-19 case

Barkerville Gold Mines announced on Facebook a contractor is in isolation after testing positive

  • Jan. 8, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A worker travelling to a Barkerville Gold Mines (BGM) mill has tested positive for COVID-19.

The company made the announcement on Thursday, Jan. 7 on their Facebook page.

“BGM is working with Northern Health to conduct contact tracing and identifying any known potential exposures,” the post reads. “On-site high-risk exposed parties have been tested in BGMs onsite laboratory and are currently quarantined in isolation at the QR Mill, where exposure to other employees and community members remains limited.”

The memo states all direct contacts have tested negative, but are remaining in quarantine.

“To date, the affected contractor has had no known interaction with the community of Wells or Quesnel,” a post from BGM General Manager Paul Ratte reads. “BGM will remain in communication with Northern Health and will continue to follow their recommendations.

This is the third presumed positive case of COVID-19 detected in workers at BGM. The first case, in August, was detected after the worker had already left the site. The company’s onsite testing detected two other positive cases in December, with one person showing symptoms, and the other testing negative a few days later.

READ MORE: Contractor at Wells mine site showing COVID-19 symptoms

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