Wendal Milne to run for mayor’s seat

Pirjo Raits

Sooke News Mirror

Those with their eye on a seat on council are beginning to make their intentions known.

A name that has been bandied about for the last year or so is Wendal Milne. He has been heard at various council meetings and has made his opinions known in the pages of this paper.

He provided a short rundown of his employment history and qualification. His RCMP service in Sooke includes: 1969-1970 constable from training,

1985-1987 corporal 2 in charge of detachment,

1994-1995 S/sgt in charge of the detachment to retirement.

He spent a number of years in the RCMP involved in serious crimes investigations, and commercial white collar crime investigation. He was involved in Proceeds of Crime investigations involving international travel and work with a number of foreign governments and their various legal systems.

Milne spent four years 1990 – 1994 in the RCMP involved in staff relations, working with the rank and file of the RCMP, the Commissioner of the RCMP and other senior managers  to ensure fair and equitable treatment to members, which including direct involvement in grievance and promotion processes, advice on the formulation of administrative and operational policies, both at the provincial and the federal level of the RCMP.

From 1995 – 2008 he was in charge of Security, Manager of Transit Operations, Victoria and finally Director of Operations and Maintenance, for BC Transit Victoria, responsible for approximately 550 employees, 250 vehicles and a budget of approximately $57 M yearly.

His community service in Sooke includes:

– Past member Sooke Lions Club.

– Past Coach, Manager, Vice President and President of Sooke Minor Hockey Association.

– Past Trustee and Chairman of the Board of Trustees Sooke Fire District prior to incorporation.

– Member of the Sooke Incorporation Committee leading up to the incorporation of Sooke.

Milne resided in Sooke 1969 – 1970, 1985 – 1989, 1990 – present.

“I feel this background would be a great asset if I am successful in this election,” said Milne.

Sooke News Mirror