West Kelowna creates storm sewer utility fund

On Tuesday, District of West Kelowna council voted to separate the storm sewer utility from the general fund.

On Tuesday, District of West Kelowna council voted to separate the storm sewer utility from the general fund.

Council also directed staff to charge all property owners through taxes based on the assessed value of the property and to complete a storm sewer development cost charge (DCC) study.

According to a report from chief financial officer, Jim Zaffino, the objective of setting up the storm sewer utility is to make it as self sustainable as possible with minimum tax impact on the public.

Council was presented with five different models to fund storm sewer utilities. The option recommended by staff was to make all property owners pay equally through a parcel tax levied on all classes of property.

Many council members had a problem with this structure.

“It would appear to me that larger, more expensive properties should be paying more; that’s the way our basic system works,” said Coun. David Knowles.

Coun. Rick de Jong motioned that council stick with the current model of charging all property owners based on assessed value levy.

All of council—except for Coun. Bryden Winsby—voted in favour of the de Jong’s motion.wpaterson@kelownacapnews.com

Kelowna Capital News