Dr. Oz cuddles Tulip the puppy. (Carmen Weld / Black Press files)

Dr. Oz cuddles Tulip the puppy. (Carmen Weld / Black Press files)

West Kelowna dog is OK after possible food poisoning scare

Rose Valley Veterinary Hospital's Dr. Oz reminds people to watch what their pet eats on walks

  • Jun. 6, 2019 12:00 a.m.

A West Kelowna doctor warns people to watch what their pups eat outdoors.

The reminder comes after a five-year-old-dog named Milo was brought to Dr. Oz of Rose Valley Veterinary Hospital overly tired shivering and drooling. Dr. Oz said it is possible it could have been poisoning but he doesn’t know for sure without the right testing, which most people don’t go to those lengths.

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“We cannot prove it right or wrong, Milo was in the lawn eating something and without knowing what it was we don’t know whether it was poison to dogs or not,” said Dr. Oz.

Dr. Oz tells people to watch what their dogs put in their mouth on walks and keep a close eye on them if they are off leashes because this time of season, mushrooms, animal carcasses and other things which could be harmful to dogs could be in their path.

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“If your animal is showing signs of vomiting, weakness, diarrhea or blood in vomit, it is safe to say they ate something that isn’t good for them,” said Dr. Oz.

Dr. Oz said he flushed Milo’s system, put him on IV fluids and when he checked on him Thursday, he was doing well.

It costs $70 to get your pet checked at Rose Valley Veterinary Hospital in West Kelowna.

@LarynGilmourlaryn.gilmour@blackpress.caLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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