West Kelowna residents’ input needed for trails master plan

An online survey has been created to collect community feedback on the District of West Kelowna's first Recreational Trails Master Plan.

An online survey has been created to collect community feedback on the District of West Kelowna’s first Recreational Trails Master Plan.

A draft directions document and draft trail network map have been created for public and stakeholder discussion and feedback purposes in this stage of the planning process.

Input will be used to revise the plan before it is presented to council for further consideration.

A link to the survey can be found through the district’s homepage, districtofwestkelowna.ca, under events and meetings.

The survey will be open until Friday, June 1.

The trails master plan will include short, medium and long-term recommendations for improvements and possible additions to the community’s existing trail network.

The plan will also identify potential linkages to trail systems in the adjacent jurisdictions, such as Westbank First Nation, Peachland, the Regional District of Central Okanagan and Crown lands.

Council will be provided a final draft of the plan for consideration later this year.

Kelowna Capital News