Rendering of the multi-sport facility by Urban Systems — Contributed

Rendering of the multi-sport facility by Urban Systems — Contributed

West Kelowna soccer dome design revealed

The dome will be a permanent sports fixture

  • Jul. 11, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The West Kelowna soccer dome will now be a permanent sports fixture instead of seasonal.

The soccer dome that was approved in February now has revealed its design. Council has asked that washrooms, additional parking and storage facilities be added. The equivalent of a dry floor that can go over the turf field to accommodate sports other than soccer will also be installed.

Related:West Kelowna council goes with more expensive soccer dome

Staff worked alongside Urban Systems to do a cost benefit analysis, and found that utilizing the facility as only seasonal would increase costs by an estimated $41,555 per year. Full time facility costs are projected to be $144,169.21.

To save cost and preserve the multi-sport facility’s dome ceiling will stay inflated throughout the year, as the annual deflation would decrease the life expectancy. The project had already gone over its budget from an estimate of $1 million to $3.78 million. Staff attribute the increase to the site needing to be serviced and the facility needing to be built to a higher and safer standard than originally proposed because of municipal liability.

Council voted on May 22 to have monthly updates to ensure that the project does not go further over budget.

“I caution you on budget creep, keep it in the same ballpark. Council is not in the mood and I would vote against any budget increase,” Mayor Doug Findlater said.

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—With files from Alistar Walters

Kelowna Capital News