West Shore community members share hopes for 2017

The completion of Westshore Parkway, regional co-operation and “doing something wild” among wishes

We asked members of the West Shore community what their hopes are for the municipality or institute that they represent. Here are their answers:


Denise Blackwell, City of Langford councillor:

For the coming year, 2017, I would like to see Langford continue to grow and prosper. It’s my wish that we see a successful referendum with Metchosin for a boundary extension in Langford. Success would help Langford and the Beecher Bay First Nation have job growth in our community with new industrial lands and business parks. It would also lessen our need for transportation to downtown Victoria.

In 2017, we will see the completion of the connection of the Westshore Parkway to Sooke Road and the completion of the Bear Mountain Parkway to the Leigh Road Connector, so we can travel safely within our community from all directions. We will also see the construction of the E&N Rail trail from Savory Road to the completed sections in View Royal and Esquimalt.


John Rogers, Town of View Royal councillor:

As we celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary, I expect View Royal will benefit from ever-increasing regional co-operation on issues such as affordable housing, more efficient transportation, greater food security, action on climate change, economic development and improved environmental protection.

The town will be prioritizing improvements to our parks, trails and roads once the master plans are finished this year. I expect the E&N Rail Trail to downtown should be finished, creating a wonderful land loop when combined with the Galloping Goose Trail. Similarly, there will be recreation and tourism benefits when the portage section of the Victoria Waterways Loop around Esquimalt/Vic West is also done. This enables an exciting new “paddle trail” for our community.

Lastly, the long awaited Malahat TransCanada Trail to Shawnigan Lake will be a “win” for the View Royal community and the region as a whole. Another great year for our community!


Ron Mattson, Town of View Royal councillor:

In the Town’s vision statement, our goal is to be one of the best places to call home. For many of our residents it can be argued we are well on our way to achieving this goal; for others, there is a long way to go.

The Town can only do so much; it can try to meet its objectives of being liveable, green, and sustainable, but it can’t provide all the supports necessary to create a sustainable, healthy community. But you can. The greatest gift we could exchange this holiday season is to serve one another. Remember your neighbours, especially the elderly and those who live alone, the poor and the homeless. Together we can make View Royal the best place to call home.

Windy Beadall, Royal Bay secondary school principal

Year 2 at Royal Bay has been as exciting and fast paced as the first.  Along with a smoother start-up, many procedures are becoming familiar to staff and students.  The bright open learning spaces continue to contribute to a positive learning environment and a productive and respectful culture is emerging as students appreciate the opportunities to explore their passions.  The continued growth in our community adds a new dimension to our school as we grow larger and propose additions to our facility.


Gordie Logan, City of Colwood councillor

With 2017 upon us, my hope is for people to really appreciate the part of the world where they live, the fun that we can have in our own backyards, the natural beauty offered in their very own neighbourhoods. My hope is to do something wild, like skinny dipping in Lookout Lake, or sliding down the pole at the fire station. However my biggest hope is that the community will continue to be here when their neighbours need them the most – that’s what Colwood is all about.


Goldstream News Gazette