West Shore RCMP saved a Langford man’s life on Nov. 26 after administering several doses of naloxone spray. (Phil McLachlan/Black Press Media)

West Shore RCMP save man from potentially fatal overdose

Officers administered several doses of naloxone before sending the man to hospital

  • Nov. 27, 2020 12:00 a.m.

West Shore RCMP likely saved a Langford man from fatally overdosing in his apartment on Thursday afternoon.

Officers were called to an apartment building near the 850-block of Orono Avenue at 12:15 p.m. by a landlord who reported that his tenant was yelling and he could hear crashing in the apartment.

When the officers arrived they discovered the noise had abruptly stopped. They entered the apartment to check on the man and found him alone and unresponsive on the floor. He was exhibiting signs of drug overdose and had facial injuries.

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Officers immediately called B.C. Emergency Health Services and administered several doses of naloxone spray. The man was taken to hospital where he continued to receive treatment.

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