West Shore RCMP headquarters in Langford. (Black Press Media file photo)

West Shore RCMP will talk to man about ‘concerning behaviour’ on trail in Langford

Man identified in Jan. 31 report that left woman concerned

  • Feb. 4, 2021 12:00 a.m.

West Shore RCMP officers have identified, and plan to talk to, a man who startled at least one person on the Galloping Goose Regional Trail on Jan. 31.

A woman called police about the interaction near Jacklin Road in Langford, when a man approached her and stared for “a number of minutes.” The man did not say anything but the woman found the interaction odd. She also came across another woman on the trail who said the same man had come out of the bush and onto the trail minutes earlier and startled her.

“We wish to inform the public that we have since identified the man in this occurrence. At this point in time nothing criminal has occurred, however, this behaviour came across as suspicious and concerning and we will be speaking to him regarding this matter,” said Const. Nancy Saggar.

RELATED: RCMP investigating complaint man staring at woman on Langford trail


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