Royal Bay Secondary’s leadership class, comprised of Grade 9 through 12 students, is part of the student team organizing this year’s 10,000 Tonight event that shifts entirely online for 2020. (Aaron Guillen/News Staff)

West Shore student food drive shifts entirely online

Drive-thru option removed from 10,000 Tonight in light of COVID-19 restrictions

  • Dec. 1, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The drive-thru portion of 10,000 Tonight is cancelled for Royal Bay and Belmont secondary schools.

The large food drive, where secondary students in the Sooke School District traditionally targeted gathering 10,000 items of non-perishable food in one night by going door-to-door, had some adjustments this year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Students were set to host drive-thru sessions at both West Shore schools Dec. 1, 3, 8 and 10. But in light of recent restrictions to help slow the spread of COVID-19, all donations have now moved online.

Monetary donations can still be made at

READ MORE: 10,000 Tonight gets a pandemic twist with West Shore students continuing the tradition


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