The Westbank Museum beautification project makes significant progress to the exterior (Westbank Museum/Contributed).

Westbank Museum makes progress in beautification project

The museum is auctioning a brand new guitar in its last push of fundraising

  • Jun. 9, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Westbank Museum in West Kelowna is auctioning off a new guitar to help raise money to transform the outside of the building.

A brand-new, hand-built guitar has been donated by Drought Instruments of BC, which has a ‘crisp and rich sound’ according to the company. Included in the guitar’s auction is a hard case to protect and carry it.

Bidding for the guitar starts at $350 and the proceeds go toward the Westbank Museum’s beautification project. Jeremiah Ryder, executive director at the museum, hopes to bring a splash of history and sparkle to the museum by adding murals, a garden area with picnic tables, and refacing the front to emulate old-fashioned businesses.

The Westbank Museum has already raised and saved around $105,000 for the project, making it only $15,000 shy of its $120,000 goal.

The project has already moved forward and the building has already gotten a face-lift. Ryder hopes the entire project will be complete by September.

Bidding closes on June 25. To bid, or get involved in the beautification project in any way, contact the Westbank Museum at 250-768-0110 or email

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Kelowna Capital News


A guitar being auctioned off by the Westbank Museum (Westbank Museum/Contributed).