Westside Youth Centre finds temporary home

The Westside Youth Centre, which provides recreation, meals and employment services for local youth, will operate out of 2409 Main Street.

  • Nov. 27, 2013 5:00 a.m.

The Westside Youth Centre, which provides drop-in recreation, meals, reconnect counselling and employment services for local youth, has found a more permanent temporary home.

The Okangan Boys and Girls Clubs’ program will operate out of the building next door to Clippendales at 2409 Main Street in Westbank Centre.

The Westside Youth Centre was previously located within Westbank Lions Community Centre; however, it was forced to close after a Sept. 1 fire, which damaged the Lions Hall.

Since Sept. 1, the Westbank United Church has rented space to the Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs to provide a makeshift location for the youth centre.

West Kelowna council unanimously voted to execute a two-year lease agreement for the building to make the space available for youth in need.

“I think this is very important,” said Mayor Doug Findlater.

“This club serves a unique population in our community…it needs a home.”

The Westside Youth Centre’s new location is about one block away from the Storefront School’s temporary home.

The monthly cost of the lease in year one is $2,641 per month; in year two the cost is increased to $2,720 per month. That cost is less than the $47,835 the district had been paying annually for the space in Westbank Lions Community Centre.

The district has also budgeted $5,000 for tenant improvements.


Twitter: @PatersonWade


Kelowna Capital News