Wet waterworks

Workers spent a wet day maintaining Keremeos wells last Thursday

  • May. 1, 2012 8:00 p.m.
Workers perform maintenance work, rehabilitating the wells at Keremeos Irrigation District pumphouses last week. It was a good thing that the workers were used to working with water, as last Thursday’s wet conditions made outdoor work extremely damp.  The work  is part of an ongoing program, with KID  doing two wells this year. The maintenance also provides a good opportunity to inspect the condition of the pump, and often replacement is required.

Workers perform maintenance work, rehabilitating the wells at Keremeos Irrigation District pumphouses last week. It was a good thing that the workers were used to working with water, as last Thursday’s wet conditions made outdoor work extremely damp. The work is part of an ongoing program, with KID doing two wells this year. The maintenance also provides a good opportunity to inspect the condition of the pump, and often replacement is required.

Keremeos Review