A vehicle avoids a pothole on Lakelse Ave. in Terrace on Mar. 23, 2021. City crews have filled three times more potholes than usual this year. (Ben Bogstie/Terrace Standard)

Wet year in Terrace ‘perfect recipe for potholes’

City crews have filled three times more potholes than usual in 2021

  • Mar. 24, 2021 12:00 a.m.

So far in 2021, the City of Terrace has spent close to $130,000 to fill three times more potholes than the five-year average, a phenomenon the city is attributing to a wetter year than usual.

“Realistically, it started raining last April, with the exception of a few weeks here and there, which has not given the ground any time to dry up,” said Kate Lautens, the city’s communications officer, in an email.

“Add frost-and-thaw cycles and you have the perfect recipe for potholes.”

Snowfall this winter has been lighter than average, allowing the city to shift some funds that normally would be used for snow removal to the filling of potholes.

From Jan. 1 to Mar. 12, the city has spent $59,740 on pothole filling materials and $68,168 on labour costs. According to Lautens, the roads crew has not seen this volume of moisture in the ground in at least a decade.

In contrast, the city spent around $30,000 repairing potholes between Jan. 1 and Mar. 5. last year.

The roads foreman is responsible for potholes, so the city’s current lack of a director of public works has no effect on the situation.

People can report potholes to City of Terrace public works by calling 250 615-4021, crews can make temporary repairs but need to wait for warmer, drier weather for permanent fixes.

With Files from Rod Link

READ MORE: City tackles potholes in Terrace

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