Wharf getting funding

The Fanny Bay Harbour Authority is receiving federal funds to upgrade its wharf.

  • Jan. 18, 2011 2:00 p.m.
John Duncan announces federal funding to improve the Fanny Bay wharf. Photo by Erin Haluschak

John Duncan announces federal funding to improve the Fanny Bay wharf. Photo by Erin Haluschak

The Fanny Bay Harbour Authority is receiving federal funds to upgrade its wharf.

A total of $765,000 is being provided through the Western Diversification Program ($515,000) and the West Coast Community Adjustment Program ($250,000).

The funding is to reconfigure the existing berths and breakwater, construct and place a new floating concrete wharf and install ramp access and parking facilities to remove an existing transportation bottleneck.

The new wharf facility will allow for the continued expansion of the Baynes Sound shellfish industry, benefiting local businesses such as Baynes Sound shellfish producers and Pentlatch Seafoods Limited, owned by the K’ómoks First Nation.

“By reducing transportation delays and increasing the amount of commercial traffic in the area, this investment will directly benefit the community of Fanny Bay and the greater Vancouver Island area,” MP John Duncan said Tuesday in making the announcement. “The project will create immediate employment opportunities during construction, while paving the way for local and other businesses to capitalize on the increased flow of commercial traffic.”

“The Fanny Bay Harbour Authority would like to thank the federal government, Island Coastal Economic Trust and WestCCAP for all their hard work and cooperation in bringing this project together,” said Gordon McLellan, president of the Fanny Bay Harbour Authority. “The dock has always been a big part of the community and this funding will ensure it will be here for all to enjoy for many years.” 

Comox Valley Record