A Williams Lake couple found their stolen truck almost two years after it was stolen. (Photo submitted)

A Williams Lake couple found their stolen truck almost two years after it was stolen. (Photo submitted)

‘What are the chances’: Williams Lake woman recovers stolen truck 2 years later in 100 Mile

Laura Zimmerman said she followed the truck on Highway 97 until it pulled into 100 Mile House

A Williams Lake area woman said it is amazing that a truck stolen from her property on January 2020 is back in her possession.

Laura Zimmerman said she and her husband Jim Zimmerman purchased the green 2005 Ford 150 in Saskatchewan and loved it, so when it was stolen from their home on Fox Mountain on Jan. 16, 2020 they were very disappointed.

Fast forward to Nov. 24, 2021, and Laura was returning home from a medical appointment in Kamloops.

As she approached the 70 Mile area her phone rang and she pulled off Highway 97 to take the call. It was her daughter asking if Laura could pick up her children from school.

When Laura entered back onto the highway she saw a green truck in front of her and noticed it was a Ford 150.

That’s when she noticed it had a decal – Cam-Don Motors – which was the same decal their truck had and she thought, ‘what are the chances? maybe it is my truck.’”

She followed the truck into 100 Mile House and when the truck pulled over into a parking lot, she pulled up beside it.

Walking up to the side she checked to see if the gas cover was repainted with nail polish – something she had done years ago and it was.

“I then stood behind the truck and called 9-1-1. I was just shaking and this woman came up to me and asked me if I was OK. When I told her it was my truck and it had been stolen, she told me she would stand with me until the police arrived.”

Eventually the woman who had been driving the stolen truck noticed Laura and started yelling at her, but Laura stood her ground.

When the RCMP arrived they asked Laura about the situation and why she thought it was her truck.

She told them about the decal, the nail polish and said if the officer checked under the driver’s seat cover he would see a rip that Laura had fixed with fishing line.

He came back and told her the serial number was scratched out and the RCMP would have to check with ICBC, but he believed she had found her truck.

“The officer also advised me to buy some lottery tickets, which I did, and I won $112,” she said.

On Friday, Dec. 3, Jim drove down to 100 Mile House to pick up the truck and it is now sitting on their property.

“It is in pretty good shape. The running boards are gone and the green canopy, but Jim is going to turn it into our plow truck and said ‘it isn’t going off the property.’”

Since the truck was stolen, she never gave up that it might be found. She meditated, prayed and every time she left town, Jim would remind her to ‘look for the truck.’

Laura said she never got the name of the woman who stood with her in 100 Mile House while she waited for the RCMP to arrive but wanted to thank her along with Cpl. Jason Nash of the 100 Mile House RCMP.

“When he arrived I was talking a mile a minute, but he calmed me down and was so supportive,” she said of Nash.

READ MORE: Fox Mountain truck targetted by thieves while dogs kept inside due to cold nights


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