What once was lost has now been found

Golf carts stolen from the Nakusp Centennial Golf Course have been recovered.

The three golf carts stolen from the Nakusp Centennial Golf Club six weeks ago have been found and returned, something many did not believe would happen.

The carts went missing early in the morning on the same day as the Leland Doubles Golf Tournament. An employee of the golf club came in around six in the morning to find the carts missing.

Tourists camping near the club said they heard the carts leaving the club around 5:30 a.m. that same morning.

Investigators theorized that whoever stole the carts might be heading out on either the Galena or Fauquier ferry. In reality, the carts were much closer than anticipated.

“They were on the tracks just above the lookout on the railway bed, just by Crescent Bay,” said Dale McKay. “There’s a little trail and they were in there.”

McKay and his wife found the golf carts while walking their dog one morning two weekends ago. The carts were about 200 meters in, and all three still had their keys.

After making the discovery, he called Bud Adair, a member of the golf club. McKay, his wife, and Adair each drove one of the carts back to the club, where they wait to be looked over by an insurance agent.

Two of the three carts were damaged, but it doesn’t look like it’s anything too severe.

“The front was smashed, like a derby car,” said McKay. “They probably crashed into each other.”

Though it might never be known who stole the carts, many will be happy to hear of their return.


Arrow Lakes News