What we need is some fiscal restraint

North Cowichan – Re: Funding decision shows CVRD irresponsibility Jan. 9, 2015 Mr. Dumont has some great points. What will certainly get his ire up even more is the wasteful spending the Municipality of North Cowichan is proposing.

Fourteen million dollars for a new RCMP headquarters.

Seven hundred forty-four thousand for nine full time equivalent clerical staff = $82,000 per person.

These are just two of the line items we are also paying for in our policing costs. Yet we seem to need a community policing group and we need to withdraw this from the taxpayers pocket like a human ATM because it provides a valuable service to the community!

I for one am getting tired of having to pay two local governments nearly $4,000 per year on a residence that is quickly going down in price as the politicians continue to believe that we need all of these incendiary line items.

Unfortunately, even though we were able to get an open invitation to the Committee of the Whole meeting on Jan. 12, only five people from the public bothered to show up and only two of those five took advantage to use their two minutes to speak on the issues we saw with the 2015 proposed budget.

There was a heck of a lot more to criticize, but alas I believe that this council will give the staff a blank cheque to do with what they wish unless we all show up and make our voices heard.

Go to MNC website and CVRD website and show up at these meetings, sign up to speak, pick a key point and look your elected officials in the eyes and say enough is enough.

What we need is fiscal restraint and perhaps some economic development.

Rob Saare

North Cowichan

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