Ron Wilson was fortunate to be nearby the water marsh below Oasis last week when this magnificent moose unexpectedly showed up for the photo shoot. Bottom right, notice the little duck heading toward the camera! Photo: Ron Wilson

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Ron Wilson says after years of packing his camera around the area in hopes of seeing a moose in the wild, he was thrilled to be able to capture photos of this magnificent animal near Oasis last week.

A call from his friend during lunchtime last Tuesday led to this fortunate sighting and a series of captivating photos. (See front page of the Trail Times May 20 edition).

“He said the moose was in water so off to the races I went,” Ron told the Times. “And sure enough, (it) was still there but only for about 15 minutes.”

Next on Ron’s bucket list is to capture photos of an owl in the wild.

Trail Daily Times


Photo: Ron Wilson