An Elections Canada sign directing voters to a polling place in north Nanaimo. (News Bulletin file photo)

Where to vote in Cranbrook on Monday

The federal election is this coming Monday, September 20th

The federal election is just a few days away, and perhaps you are wondering where to place your ballot this coming Monday, September 20, in Cranbrook.

Cranbrook has several different polling stations available to the public, most of which are specific to where you live.

If you received your voting card in the mail, the card will state which polling station you should vote at.

If you aren’t sure, you can visit the Elections Canada website, type in your postal code, and find out which polling station you should head to on Monday.

Simply go to, and on the left hand side of the home page you will see a box that says “My Voter Information”. Type in your postal code, and it will tell you your riding, where to vote, and list the candidates.

Polls are open in Cranbrook from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Voters will need to show their ID in one form or another, and there are three options. You can either bring your driver’s licence, or any other card issued by the Canadian government, or you can show your voter information card accompanied with a utility or other bill (or student ID). If you don’t have any ID, you can declare your identity and address in writing, and have someone who knows you and who is assigned to your polling station vouch for you.

Voters in B.C. will not need to show proof of vaccination in order to vote on Monday.

Here in Kootenay-Columbia, there are five people vying for your vote: Rana Nelson (Green Party), Wayne Stetski (New Democratic Party), Sarah Bennett (People’s Party of Canada), Rob Morrison (Conservative) and Robin Goldsbury (Liberal). You can visit each candidate’s website for more information on their platforms.

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Cranbrook Townsman