Which of North Cowichan’s beaches would you like to become seasonal off-leash dog parks? (Black Press file)

Which of North Cowichan’s beaches would you like to become seasonal off-leash dog parks? (Black Press file)

Which of North Cowichan’s beaches should go to the dogs?

potential for opening public beaches to dogs and their owners for dog parks in the off-season.

Dogs like the beach, too and their humans are keen to expand their play space.

Staff at the municipality of North Cowichan are asking for public input about the potential for opening public beaches to dogs and their owners for dog parks in the off-season.

The demand is high for more off-leash space, said Ernie Mansueti, North Cowichan’s parks, recreation and forestry director.

“We have seen in other communities that the question of off-leash dog areas is a topic that generates strong opinions, both for and against,” says Mansueti said. “We want to hear from residents about which public beach accesses, if any, are best suited for this type of purpose. It’s important that we ask these questions to ensure that the benefits of any new off-leash areas outweigh the possible drawbacks.”

Those hoping to join the conversation are encouraged to provide their feedback through www.PlaceSpeak.com/offleash by Sept. 9. The results will then be presented to council.

sarah.simpson@cowichanvalleycitizen.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Cowichan Valley Citizen