Crews tend to a garage fire at a home on Kerfoot Road in White Rock Friday.

Crews tend to a garage fire at a home on Kerfoot Road in White Rock Friday.

White Rock garage fire investigated

Passerby alerts fire crews to blaze at a home on Kerfoot Road Friday.

White Rock fire crews are investigating after a blaze broke out in the garage of a Kerfoot Road house Friday (June 5) afternoon.

Deputy fire Chief Ed Wolfe said no one was home at the time of the fire, which was reported by a passerby around 3:30 p.m.

Damage was confined to the garage area, and largely to contents, Wolfe said Monday.

Crews were able to knock the fire down quickly, and Wolfe said there is no indication at this point that its cause is suspicious in nature.

The fire was the start of what Wolfe described as a busy weekend.

While no major fires occurred, crews did have to deal with a number of small brush fires – which were mainly triggered by carelessly discarded smoking materials.

None of the fires got out of control, but they’re a good reminder – especially during this hot, dry time – of the need to be particularly careful.

The fire department also fielded a number of illegal-burning complaints over the weekend. The city has a bylaw that prohibits burning year-round, and Wolfe encouraged residents to be vigilant in reporting any violations.

Peace Arch News