A White Rock Pier pile was sheered off in a recent storm. (Aaron Hinks photo)

White Rock Pier piling sheared off in storm, replacement effort underway

City hired contractor to remove and salvage logs

An effort is underway to replace a piling on the White Rock Pier after it broke off during a recent winter storm.

The City of White Rock told Peace Arch News March 19 that one of the pilings, located on the north end of the pier, was “sheared off” by logs during a storm.

The pier has since been inspected by the city’s marine consultant and an area under the pier was cordoned off. The pier remains safe, the city said.

The replacement plan is to attach a new piling to the base of the broken piling with a metal collar. Repairs are expected to take place within the next few weeks.

SEE ALSO: One year later: Looking back on the storm that broke the White Rock Pier

The city also hired a contractor to remove and salvage logs deposited on the foreshore from this year’s winter storms.

“The removal of the logs and debris in the spring helps to clear the area around the City’s many storm drain outfalls, remove fire-making material and improve beach access,” the city said in an email to PAN.

Peace Arch News