Repairs to White Rock pier finished ahead of schedule today, and the landmark has been reopened to the public.

Repairs to White Rock pier finished ahead of schedule today, and the landmark has been reopened to the public.

White Rock pier reopens

Repair work on White Rock pier wrapped up ahead of schedule today, enabling the landmark to be fully reopened to the public.

Repair work on White Rock’s landmark pier has wrapped up – three weeks ahead of schedule.

City officials announced Wednesday morning that final cleanup steps were underway; and the barge used during the work would be pulling out with the 2 p.m. tide.

“The repairs went well and we’re pleased to fully re-open the pier ahead of schedule,” said Jamie Leggatt, the city’s communications officer.

The work – repairing and replacing damaged piles and cross-braces – got underway in mid-March and was expected to continue through to mid-May, with intermittent closures along the way.

It was identified as necessary during a 2010 inspection. Council voted in February to move it forward, at an estimated cost of $405,000.


Peace Arch News