White Rock RCMP launch CounterAttack

White Rock RCMP are keeping an even closer eye out this month for drivers who shouldn't be behind the wheel.

With Christmas festivities well underway, White Rock RCMP are keeping an even closer eye out for drivers who shouldn’t be behind the wheel.

Sgt. Joel Glen said this week that officers will be setting up CounterAttack roadblocks at various sites in the city in an effort to keep impaired drivers off the road.

While police have hotspots in mind – including Marine Drive – the roadblocks could be set up anytime, anywhere, “up to and including New Year,” Glen said Tuesday.

“You never know where they’re going to pop up,” he said.

Officers will be looking for drivers who are under the influence of alcohol, illicit drugs and medications.

Penalties can include a fine, a driving ban and even a criminal record.

According to ICBC, deaths due to impaired driving represent more than a quarter of all car-crash fatalities in B.C. every year. On average, four people in B.C. are killed in impaired-related crashes every December.

The CounterAttack campaign launched provincewide Dec. 1.



Peace Arch News