The City of White Rock is seeking input for its Integrated Transportation and Infrastructure Master Plan. (Peace Arch News photo)

White Rock seeks input on tranpsportation plan

Online survey open until Jan. 15

White Rock residents are being asked to weigh in on the city’s Integrated Transportation and Infrastructure Master Plan.

A news release issued Thursday (Dec. 24) notes the plan is being developed “to help address the transportation challenges of today and shape the transportation of tomorrow.”

“The final master plan will include key themes such as walking, cycling, access to transit, neighbourhood parking, driving and truck traffic, and traffic safety. It will provide a long-term strategic plan that will guide transportation and infrastructure decisions for the next 20 years,” the release continues.

According to information on the city’s website, the plan is an update to the 2014 Strategic Transportation Plan. Changes to the population, including a growing number of seniors, as well as the city’s commitment to take action to address climate change are among factors driving the update.

READ MORE: White Rock commits to climate change action

The master plan, it continues, is “critical” to achieving sustainability targets.

In-person opportunities to provide input had been scheduled for last March, however, due to the pandemic, consultation switched to virtual.

An online survey is now available at, and those planning to complete it are asked to do so by Jan. 15.

“Transportation decisions affect our community’s health, the environment and our economy,” Mayor Darryl Walker said in the release.

“An efficient transportation network ensures community members can move safely in and around White Rock. I encourage everyone to please take 10 or 15 minutes to complete this survey. We want to make sure your voice is heard each step of the way.”

Peace Arch News