White Rock council voted March 8 to rename Marine Lane – the laneway stretching behind Marine Drive, between Martin and Finlay Streets – ‘Cosmic Alley.’ (Aaron Hinks photo)

White Rock to pay tribute to ‘Cosmic Alley’

Renaming suggested to commemorate 'unique part of city's fabric'

An alley described as a “very unique part to the fabric” of White Rock is to be renamed.

Following a motion last week (March 8) by Coun. David Chesney, signage will soon be erected to officially identify a stretch of roadway behind Marine Drive, between Martin and Finlay Streets – currently identified as Marine Lane – as “Cosmic Alley.”

Noting that hundreds of locals have fond memories of the alley over a period of 20 to 30 years dating back as far as the 1960s – from living along the stretch, playing with or watching the Cosmic Alley Cowboy ball team or simply partying there – Chesney said it is “very ingrained” in the city’s history.

An online search shows it was also the subject of an oil painting by White Rock artist Niels Petersen, and that this is not the first time an idea has been put forward to rename it.

A Peace Arch News letter-writer in 2011 supported a suggestion made at that time, stating a renaming would be “a suitable tribute to that period of history.”

Chesney said his idea is “to basically honour and to remember that heritage, as we’re constantly reminded that sometimes we push a little too fast towards the future.”

“I think we could have some fun with it and put some smiles on the old timers’ faces in White Rock.”

During discussion of Chesney’s motion, Mayor Darryl Walker shared memories, including of playing against the Cosmic Alley Cowboys, in weekend games at Crescent Park.

A friendly amendment suggested by Coun. Trevelyan evoked laughter:

“That if this passes, that Coun. Chesney grows out his hair as he had it in 1978 in time for the unveiling.”

The motion carried unanimously.

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