White turns Kitimat black

  • Feb. 16, 2011 1:00 p.m.
Heavy, wet snow Sunday, February 6 made twigs look the size of tree trunks - and blacked out the community. BC hydro said that nearly 4,000 homes were left in the dark as some parts of the city went down in the evening while others lost power just after midnight. Power was restored to most homes by about 8 a.m. Monday but Kitamaat Village had to wait a few hours longer. Snow-laden trees coming down on lines was the cause of all the outages.

Heavy, wet snow Sunday, February 6 made twigs look the size of tree trunks - and blacked out the community. BC hydro said that nearly 4,000 homes were left in the dark as some parts of the city went down in the evening while others lost power just after midnight. Power was restored to most homes by about 8 a.m. Monday but Kitamaat Village had to wait a few hours longer. Snow-laden trees coming down on lines was the cause of all the outages.

Kitimat Northern Sentinel