Who took Mission's Buddy Bench?

Who took Mission’s Buddy Bench?

Artist wants it back, no questions asked

The Buddy Bench is missing.

Mission artist Luchia Feman said the bench went missing almost two weeks ago and she is hoping that someone might see the article and return it.

The bench is a brightly coloured piece of art which depicts figures and faces on the backrest and seat.

“I got the idea a couple of years ago watching a couple of elders trudge uphill everyday,” said Feman.

“I read an article about a school installing colourful buddy benches where any kid feeling sick or lonely could sit on the bench to signal they needed a friend.”

She thought it could be a great thing for anybody in Mission and the idea took off from there.

For the past three years the bench, and a mini-library, has sat on the corner of Second Ave. and Birch St. for the public to enjoy.

And other than one incident last year, when Feman caught two women trying to put the bench into the back of their car, it has sat on the corner, safe and sound.

According to Feman, the two women said they thought the bench had been left out as part of Mission’s Spring Cleanup and was there for the taking.

She is hoping the person who took it this time may have made the same mistake and will return it.

She said there are no hard feelings. However Feman is firm, the bench has a job to do and it needs to come back.

“The buddy bench is a community art installation that seems to get very attractive around spring cleanup time. I suppose for an artist that’s the ultimate compliment.”

Compliment or not, the bench has been taken, unlawfully, and Feman wants it back as soon as possible so those who need a place to sit and feel safe, can use it.

If you have the bench or have seen it, Feman asks that you get in touch with her at 250-619-0479 or email to artofsoaring@gmail.com.

She is offering a reward of a free lesson in making your own community bench.

Mission City Record