Township mayor Jack Froese and City mayor Val van den Broek (file)

Who will reach herd immunity first? Langley mayors join regional challenge.

All but Surrey are taking part in 'friendly' challenge

  • May. 31, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Mayors of Langley Township and City have joined a friendly challenge with their fellow Fraser Valley mayors to race to community immunity.

Residents are being encouraged to get immunized and make their home town the first community to herd immunity.

City Mayor Val van den Broek, said Langley “is committed to putting this pandemic behind us and returning to normal, and the best way to achieve that is for people to get vaccinated.”

Township Mayor Jack Froese observed that more half of residents “have rolled up their sleeves to protect themselves and those they love from COVID-19.”

“I encourage the rest of our community to step up and do the same, if you are able,” Froese added.

“Do it to protect those who cannot take the vaccine. Do it for our seniors and youth. Do it for our frontline healthcare workers and essential workers, who’ve been doing their part throughout this pandemic. Now it’s time to do ours.”

This challenge will see which community can achieve 70 per cent, 75 per cent and 80 per cent immunization thresholds first.

Updates will be shared on social media by participating mayors and Fraser Health.

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Dr. Victoria Lee, president and chief executive officer at Fraser Health, said the region has seen the highest case numbers in B.C. “and it is all hands on deck as we work to provide COVID-19 vaccines to everyone in our region that wants one. As an interconnected region, vaccines are important whether you live in a larger city or a smaller community area,.”

“I’m grateful for our mayors that have come together for this challenge and for their ongoing support, leadership and contributions throughout this pandemic. As community leaders, they have the unique understanding of their local area needs and will greatly help us extend our reach as far as possible at this critical time,” Dr. Lee added.

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As of May 25, more than 60 per cent of eligible adults over 12 years of age in Fraser Health have received a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Nineteen mayors, including those in neighbouring Abbotsford and White Rock are taking part.

Surrey isn’t.

In response to a Black Press query, Surrey mayor Doug McCallum issued a statement saying there was “no question that getting people immunized is the quickest way for all of us to get back to normal. Whether you live in Surrey or not, I strongly encourage everyone to register and get their shot.”

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