BC Wildfire air skimmers over Okanagan Lake on June 5. (Steve Tidder)

BC Wildfire air skimmers over Okanagan Lake on June 5. (Steve Tidder)

Wildfire burning near Peachland now being held after 4 days

Blaze remains at 33 hectares

The wildfire burning near Peachland that started four days ago is finally being held.

Dubbed the Pigeon Creek fire, water skimmers and helicopters have been working alongside ground crews to battle the blaze since June 4. It remains at 33 hectares.

It is visible from the Okanagan Connector, but BC Wildfire Service says that there is no danger to travellers on the highway.

There has been minimal growth to the flames since June 5.

Black Press will continue to monitor the situation.

READ MORE: Pigeon Creek wildfire near Peachland remains steady


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B.C. Wildfires 2023City of Kelowna