Wildfire danger remains high on the coast

Despite the rain this week, the Coastal Fire Centre in Parksville is expecting the sunny, dry trend to keep the wildfire danger rating high.

Despite the rain this week, the Coastal Fire Centre is expecting the sunny dry trend to keep the wildfire danger rating high.

Fire information officer Donna MacPherson said the rain on Tuesday helps, but “we would need a fair amount of rain over several days,” to change the current danger.

She points out the big trees are dry and a lot of water has to hit the ground for enough to be absorbed up by the roots to make a difference.

Complicating weather predictions is the fact that the mid-Island is the dividing line between forecasts for precipitation and unsettled conditions on the north Island and sunny and dry on the south end.

But that said, while they are urging people to be careful over the long weekend and into September, there are no wildfires currently burning in the mid-Island and there have been less than average this summer.

The only wildfire of note currently in the Coastal Fire Centre is north of Squamish and being left to burn on its own.

MacPherson said the good news is that the fires the region has had were about equally caused by humans and lightning, meaning humans might be causing fewer.

The only wildfire of note currently in the Coastal Fire Centre is north of Squamish and being left to burn on its own.

For current campfire and other burning bans, please contact your local municipality.

To report a wildfire call 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on a cell phone.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News