Map of current wildfire situation in 100 Mile Fire Zone. BC Wildfire Service.

Map of current wildfire situation in 100 Mile Fire Zone. BC Wildfire Service.

Wildfire situation in 100 Mile House Fire Zone: Aug. 6

A total of 14 fires called out but 33 are still being called as 'out of control'

  • Aug. 6, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The BC Wildfire Service discovered 13 new wildfires in the Cariboo Fire Centre on Aug. 5. Three 0.01 hectares fire discovered in the Horsefly area, six in the 100 Mile Fire Zone and one in Chilcotin and Williams Lake each. Two were also discovered in the Quesnel zone.

The largest in the 100 Mile House zone was in Whale Lake, estimated to be one hectare in size. The fire discovered in Chilcotin was 4.1 hectares but determined to be in the Coastal Fire Centre jurisdiction.

As of Aug. 6, there are a total of 78 active wildfires in the Cariboo. Of the 78, 33 are still designated as out of control, 19 are being held and 26 are under control. A total of 14 were called out yesterday.

“There are multiple BC Wildfire Service personnel, out of province personnel, contract crews and heavy equipment working within the zone,” said Robyn Clark, fire information assistant.

Twenty-three of those wildfires are in the 100 Mile zone and no communities are structures are threatened at this time, according to the BC Wildfire Service media release. A number of the wildfires are visible from communities and highways, however.

The largest fire in the zone is the 24-hectare Sodium Lake fire. It is designated as under control and the service’s media release has said crews have made good progress in regards to this fire.

Two wildfires are also active just north of Marble Range Park. The largest is the Wild Goose Lake fire, estimated at 20 hectares. It is considered by the service as being held. The other fire in the area is 0.8 in size and under control.

The release further went on to say crews have made good progress, calling seven of the fires out. Ground crews, aircraft and heavy equipment are all responding to the fires, which have been assessed and are being actioned in priority sequence.

The Whale Lake fire, northeast of Moose Valley Park, is being held. Air tankers have already hit the fire and will be back if requested. A total of six firefighters are at the scene.

There are five fires in the Lang Lake area. The largest is estimated to be 10 hectares and is being held. The other four are 0.01 hectares.

A 0.3-hectare fire, located north of Flat Lake Park and south of Gustafsen Lake FSR is being held.

All other fires have been put out.

Hot dry weather is anticipated throughout the Cariboo Fire Centre for the next week with temperatures reaching the low 30s. Light winds between 10 to 15 kilometres per hour are also anticipated for the rest of the week.

“We’re just reminding the public to be cautious during this weather,” said Clark. “During hot dry weather, we’ll just continue to monitor and assess the fires and action them accordingly. There is no anticipated lightning and wind will be light, but it is always important to be cautious.”

The BC Wildfire service would like to remind the public that there is a campfire ban throughout the Cariboo and anyone found disobeying could be fined.

Wildfires can be reported by calling 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on cellphones.

100 Mile House Free Press