WildSafe ends season for winter

2020 was a different kind of season due to COVID-19

  • Dec. 7, 2020 12:00 a.m.

WildSafe wrapped up another season in Golden and is looking forward to returning next spring. (File photo)

The bears are almost all denned up for the winter, as is the WildSafeBC Golden program.

Once again, WildSafeBC had an active year assisting the community with several wildlife conflicts throughout the Town of Golden and CSRD-A.

The program included door-to-door canvassing, garbage tagging, attendance at public events, bear S.P.R.A.Y. hands-on demonstration/trainings and adapted delivery of the WildSafe Ranger elementary school program.

The GoldenWildSafeBC Community Coordinator is grateful for the generous support of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, the British Columbia Conservation Foundation, the Columbia Basin Trust and the Town of Golden. Thank you also to the Conservation Officer Service and Bylaw Enforcement for their ongoing support and to everyone who has made an effort to prevent human-wildlife conflicts this year.

WildSafe’s year-end report is scheduled to be released in December on their website, which will detail what the GoldenWildSafeBC Community Coordinator was able to accomplish this year.

Garbage and fruit tree remain the top high conflict animal attractants in Golden and CSRD-A. WildSafeBC would like to remind residents to ensure they secure their waste until collection day and to keep any bear-resistant garbage bins locked (clipped) until collection time. Promptly report damage clips to the Town of Golden for replacement.

During the winter months, wildlife conflicts can still be reported to the RAPP line at 1-877-952-7277 and urgent wildlife questions can be directed to bc@wildsafebc.com. Until our program resumes in the spring, please visit wildsafebc.com and follow our Facebook page for updates, tips, and other information to assist you in keeping wildlife wild and communities safe

The British Columbia Conservation Foundation (BCCF) is a not-for-profit organization. BCCF’s mission is to promote and assist in the conservation of the fish and wildlife resources of the Province of British Columbia through the protection, acquisition or enhancement of fish and wildlife habitat.

WildSafeBC is a program delivered through the British Columbia Conservation Foundation. To learn more about BCCF please visit www.bccf.com.

Golden Star