WildSafeBC back in business in Kimberley/Cranbrook

Grizzly reported in Meadowbrook area

WildSafeBC is Back for another Season in the Cranbrook-Kimberley Area!

Our motto of keeping wildlife wild and communities safe underscores our belief that if we can keep wildlife from becoming habituated we can, in turn, make our communities safer for us and at the same time keep wildlife from coming to harm.

WildSafeBC is a program designed, owned and delivered by the BC Conservation Foundation. It is delivered throughout the province and exists in communities where we have established partnerships between local funding bodies (such as municipalities and regional districts) and with our primary funder: the provincial government.

To prevent an unexpected encounter with a bear while out hiking:

Hike in a group and make your presence known by talking loudly or singing – especially in areas where there is limited visibility and/or where it may be hard for a bear to hear your approach (e.g. alongside a loud river or stream).

Keep your dog on a leash, or better yet, leave your dog at home. The majority of black bear maulings in North America involve dogs.

Be aware of your surroundings and watch for fresh scat, claw marks n trees, logs torn apart or other bear signs.

If you do encounter a bear while out hiking or within your campsite there ae a number of things that you can do to keep yourself safe:

Remain calm and do not run. Running can trigger an attack. Never turn your back on a bear but do not stare at it directly either.

If the bear sees you, talk to it in a calm voice and take a step or two backwards.

Always carry bear spray with you and know how to use it. Visit wildsafebc.com and check out our extensive bear safety pages.

Report any encounter with an aggressive bear by calling the Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277.

Any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to call the Local WildSafeBC Community Coordinator, Danica Roussy @ 250-908-8101 or email her at kimberley@wildsafebc.com or cranbrook@wildsafebc.com.

Remember: If you need to report a sighting or a conflict with wildlife, please call the Conservation Officer Service at 1.(877).952.7277.You can also check out the WildSafeBC website for more information. https://www.wildsafebc.com/

Kimberley Daily Bulletin