Gwyneth Anderson stands in front of her newest business venture - WildWay Farms in Hagensborg. (Caitlin Thompson photo)

Gwyneth Anderson stands in front of her newest business venture - WildWay Farms in Hagensborg. (Caitlin Thompson photo)

Wildway Farms open for business in Hagensborg

Local entrepreneurs Gwyneth Anderson and Joseph Battensby are hard at work at their new business

Local entrepreneurs Gwyneth Anderson and Joseph Battensby have recently opened their newest venture: WildWay Farms in Hagensborg. Located smack in the middle of Hagensborg at 1905 Highway 20, the farm is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every weekend and features local produce, plants and herbs, and Anderson’s well-known kefir creations and cold brew coffee.

For Anderson, who recently shuttered the doors on her other longtime business, the Little Nook Cafe at the Bella Coola Airport, the venture represents a long-term vision for creating a new atmosphere in Hagensborg.

“We are just getting started on what we hope will become a great place to visit in Hagensborg,” Anderson explained.

“This is our first year and it’s a learning process, but we have plans to expand the business and create an atmosphere where people will want to relax and enjoy themselves.”

The focal point right now is the brand-new greenhouse, which Anderson and Battensby constructed themselves, and it offers that tropical, delicious feeling of warmth and comfort, even on a colder summer day. Anderson is growing her own produce as well as shipping in plants and shrubs to sell.

“If everything goes well we should have plenty of produce to sell closer to September,” Anderson said.

Stop in and enjoy everything WildWay Farms has to offer, including stunning mountain views. And, if you’re lucky, Anderson might take you to meet the goats (she has five).

“They’re characters,” she explained. “Sometimes they’ll even join us for walks!”

Coast Mountain News